
Click on the options for more information.

Automatically resize your elements to always display across 100% of the width and/or height of the screen.

Auto size

Free position

New elements will always be ‘freely positioned’ on the canvas. This means that they have an absolute position on the page itself. If (a part of) the element is placed outside the safe zone, it will be cut off on smaller screens.


Sticky elements also ignore page & safe zone settings and will stick themselves to their position on the page. When scrolling through the page, the element will keep it’s position on the screen.


Screen border

In order to create a fullscreen effect, elements can be aligned to the screen border. This setting will ignore page & safe zone settings and the element will receive a variable position according to the screen.

page border
editor viewport

There are three different ways to align your elements to make them respond to either the fixed page settings or the variable screen sizes. Each alignment option will give the element a certain position on different screens.

Element alignment

Depending on the screen size, larger screens can display a page with a lot of space outside the safe zone.
To prevent empty space, you can use variable element positioning to fill a page.

Optimise the use of space

start illustration


Element positioning

How should your elements behave on the scene? Should it stick itself to its fixed position on the page, or should it align to the screen borders? This course covers all there is to know about element positioning.



panel border
nieuw-autosize.png (copy)

Absolute (px) element size.


manual_selected (copy) hoekje (copy1)
video_thumb2.png (copy2)

is aligned to the left screen border

big window
small window bottom
small window top
mouse scroll

Scroll down to view more of this longpage

wall arrow

‘background wall’ is positioned full screen

pole arrow

‘lantern pole’
is full height

curb arrow

is full width

standing washer

‘standing washer’ is positioned freely

hanging washer

‘hanging washer’ is aligned sticky

crane washer

‘crane washer’
is aligned to the right screen border

arrow (Copy)

In the element panel, elements can be resized to 100% of the width and/or height of the screen, creating a fullscreen effect.

Auto size

screenshot panel

Determine how elements should behave in the element panel. Base its position on the page, the screen border, or make it sticky.

Element placement

Free position
New elements will always be ‘freely positioned’ on the canvas. This means that they have an absolute position on the page itself. If (a part of) the element is placed outside the safe zone, it will be cut off on smaller screens.

Screen border
In order to create a fullscreen effect, elements can be aligned to the screen border. This setting will ignore page & safe zone settings and the element will receive a variable position according to the screen.

Sticky elements also ignore page & safe zone settings and will stick themselves to their position. When scrolling through the page, the element will keep it’s position on the screen. Sticky elements are only available on longpage scenes.

lantern pole

Click the button to show ‘safezone example’

arrow safezone


Element positioning

How should your elements behave on the scene? Should it stick itself to its fixed position on the page, or should it align to the screen borders? This course covers all there is to know about element positioning.

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