Groups & Layers

All elements in your scene are represented by a ‘layer’ in the Layers panel. Group layers together to easily apply animations, effects & actions to entire groups, and change their order to place them on top or behind of others.

Use the ‘lock’-icon to disable the editing of the element and use the 'eye'-icon to hide groups & layers. Elements and groups can be hidden when initially viewing the page, only to make them appear after your viewer interacts with another element or group (via a hover- or click action).

Layer options

Name your layers & groups to create structure and maintain an overview of the scene you are creating. This is also very useful for when you’re analysing the statistics of your publication, as you will see the name of the layer that was clicked to perform click actions.

Layer naming

video_thumb2.png (copy5)
screenshot panel
arrow layers

In the Layers panel, you can see all the layers on the canvas and hide them using the eye-icon.

This area contains a hidden group called ‘popup’, as can be seen in the layer panel.

arrow popup

Click the button to show the ‘popup’ group.

This button will open a popup when clicked. The popup is a hidden group in the Layers panel. This group consists of multiple elements that have been grouped together.



Groups & Layers

All elements in your scene are represented by a ‘layer’ in the Layers panel. Group layers together to easily apply animations, effects & actions to entire groups, and change their order to place them on top or behind of others.

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